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Gynaecology Services and Information

South Sefton PCN Coil Fitting Clinic

At Westway, we offer booking services for external coil fitting and removal clinics, available for patients seeking contraception, menopause support, or treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding. Clinics take place on Mondays and Thursdays at the May Logan Centre in Bootle. To arrange an appointment, please contact our practice, and we will guide you through the booking process with the May Logan 7 Day Access Team.  Dependant on your symptoms, you may require an appointment with a GP prior to your referral.

Additionally, patients interested in menopause support may consider "The 'M' Word" a free 5-week course for peri/menopausal women. For more information, contact Living Well Sefton Mentors Debbie Kelly at 07811419573 or Liz Saunders at 07811419999.

Understanding Menopause

We’re pleased to provide access to a Menopause Support Booklet designed to help individuals understand and manage menopause. This comprehensive guide covers a wide range of topics, including menopause symptoms, treatment options, lifestyle tips, and resources for additional support. It also features symptom checkers and advice on discussing menopause with healthcare providers and loved ones. This booklet aims to empower individuals and their families with the knowledge needed to make informed choices during this stage of life.

You can also explore additional resources using the link below, including menopause awareness videos, guidance booklets, and other helpful tools to support you through navigating menopause. – Supporting You Through Change

Please find the booklet attached below for further details.