- Consultations are by appointment only and can be arranged by telephone on 0151 526 1121
- Alternatively for quick routine queries you may submit an eCONSULT. Please only use for one eCONSULT for one clinical query. We will respond within 3 working days. Please specify the problem in the search as this means you will be routed to key specific clinical questions.
- If you are unable to attend your appointment, please contact us so that someone else can be offered your place. A DNA is a wasted appointment
- In acute situations, such as if you are experiencing severe chest pain, sudden disabling breathlessness, collapse or severe injury, please telephone the emergency services on 999 immediately.
- Receptionists are instructed to ask you what the problem is about to ensure you are directly to the most suitable clinician
- Our busiest times are 08.00-11.00 on a Monday or Tuesday
- All home visit requests are called prior to attendance. For further information on home visits please click here.
Preference of Practitioner
As from 1st April 2004, all patients are registered with the practice and not with specific doctors, but patients may express a preference to see a particular doctor when making an appointment. Where possible, try to see the same doctor throughout one illness so that he or she is familiar with your treatment and progress. This is particularly important for patients on long-term medication who will be asked to see their usual doctor every so often for review of their case.